Modern apps no longer ask for an email or username and a password but for a mobile number to which a one time verification token is sent to authenticate.

When sending a verification token it’s common practice to use a text message with the code and a provider like Twilio or Messagebird. To send the text message you not only need to mobile number of the user but also the correct country code. In this blog post I will show how to build one yourself so you understand the logic behind it and can tweak it to your custom needs.

What we are building will look like this:

Identify the user’s country code

I find it important for the user experience that we try to set the correct country code and flag initially. For this we are creating a singleton service named IPService which is making an API call to to identify the country code based on the user’s IP address.

import Foundation
class IPService{
    static let shared = IPService()
    private init(){
    func getCountryCodeFromIP(completion: @escaping (String?) -> Void) {
        let ipURL = URL(string: "")!
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: ipURL) { data, response, error in
            guard let data = data, error == nil else {
                print(error ?? "Unknown error")
            let ipAddress = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
            guard let ip = ipAddress, let geolocationURL = URL(string: "\(ip)") else {
            let geolocationTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: geolocationURL) { data, response, error in
                guard let data = data, error == nil else {
                    print(error ?? "Unknown error")
                // Parse the JSON response
                do {
                    let jsonOptions = JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.allowFragments
                    if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: jsonOptions) as? [String: Any],
                       let location = json["location"] as? [String: Any],
                       let countryCode = location["country_code"] as? String {
                    } else {
                } catch {
                    print("JSON parsing error: \(error)")

The IPService singleton is making a simple network request and parsing the response. Since we only need the countryCode we return that in our completionHandler, yet if you need more information feel free to change the completionHandler return value.

Once is enough

Since we only need to determine the country code once, we are using the AppDelegate and UserDefaults to call the IPService and store the result. Here is an example of how your App code will look.

import SwiftUI

struct PhoneNumberControlApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    static private(set) var instance: AppDelegate! = nil
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        AppDelegate.instance = self
        if UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "kCountyCode") == nil {
            IPService.shared.getCountryCodeFromIP { countryCode in
                if let countryCode = countryCode {
                    UserDefaults.standard.set(countryCode, forKey: "kCountyCode")
        return true

So first we create   @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate so we can define the class AppDelegate with it’s delegate implementation.

Next we check using UserDefaults.standard if we already have a value for key kCountryCode.

If we do not have it we call the IPService.shared.getCountryCodeFromIP and in the completionHandler we get the countryCode and store it in UserDefaults.


Next thing we need is metadata, this is a file named CountryNumbers which contains a JSON array of data in a structure like this first one:

	"id": "0235",
	"name": "USA",
	"flag": "🇺🇸",
	"code": "US",
	"dial_code": "+1",
	"pattern": "### ### ####",
	"limit": 17

So we have a JSON object for each country with an id, name, flag, code, dial_code, pattern and limit.

The complete file is at the bottom of this post.


Now let’s create a PhoneNumberView and link it to the metadata. Here is the full code

import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import Combine
extension Bundle {
	func decode<T: Decodable>(_ file: String) -> T {
		guard let url = self.url(forResource: file, withExtension: nil) else {
			fatalError("Failed to locate \(file) in bundle.")
		guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else {
			fatalError("Failed to load \(file) from bundle.")
		let decoder = JSONDecoder()
		guard let loaded = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) else {
			fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle.")
		return loaded
struct CPData: Codable, Identifiable {
	let id: String
	let name: String
	let flag: String
	let code: String
	let dial_code: String
	let pattern: String
	let limit: Int
	static let allCountry: [CPData] = Bundle.main.decode("CountryNumbers.json")
struct PhoneNumberView: View {
	@State var presentSheet = false
	@Binding var countryCode:String
	@State var countryFlag : String = "🇺🇸"
	@State var countryPattern : String = "### ### ####"
	@State var countryLimit : Int = 17
	@State var mobPhoneNumber:String = ""

	@Binding var fullNumber:String
	@State private var searchCountry: String = ""
	@Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
	@FocusState private var keyIsFocused: Bool
	let countries: [CPData] = Bundle.main.decode("CountryNumbers.json")
	func extractCountryCode(from number: String) -> String? {
		let knownCountryCodes = { $0.dial_code }
		for countryCode in knownCountryCodes.sorted(by: { $0.count > $1.count }) {
			if number.hasPrefix(countryCode) {
				return countryCode
		return nil
	func setAllProperties(){
		if countryCode == "00"{
			let detectedCountryCode = extractCountryCode(from: fullNumber)
			if detectedCountryCode != nil {
				countryCode = detectedCountryCode!
		let country  = countries.filter({ $0.dial_code == countryCode})
		if country.count != 0 {
			mobPhoneNumber = fullNumber.replacingOccurrences(of: countryCode, with: "")
			countryFlag = country[0].flag
			countryPattern = country[0].pattern
			countryLimit = country[0].limit
	var body: some View {
		GeometryReader { geo in
			VStack {
				HStack {
					Button {
						presentSheet = true
						keyIsFocused = false
					} label: {
						Text("\(countryFlag) \(countryCode)")
							.frame(minWidth: 80, minHeight: 47)
							.background(backgroundColor, in: RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10, style: .continuous))
					TextField("", text: $mobPhoneNumber)
						.placeholder(when: mobPhoneNumber.isEmpty) {
						.onReceive(Just(mobPhoneNumber)) { _ in
							if mobPhoneNumber.hasPrefix("0") {
							applyPatternOnNumbers(&mobPhoneNumber, pattern: countryPattern, replacementCharacter: "#")
							let trimmed =   mobPhoneNumber.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
							fullNumber = (countryCode + trimmed )
						.frame(minWidth: 80, minHeight: 47)
						.background(backgroundColor, in: RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10, style: .continuous))
			.animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.6), value: keyIsFocused)
			.sheet(isPresented: $presentSheet) {
				NavigationView {
					List(filteredResorts) { country in
						HStack {
						.onTapGesture {
							self.countryFlag = country.flag
							self.countryCode = country.dial_code
							self.countryPattern = country.pattern
							self.countryLimit = country.limit
							presentSheet = false
							searchCountry = ""
					.searchable(text: $searchCountry, prompt: String(localized:"country"))
				.presentationDetents([.medium, .large])
			.presentationDetents([.medium, .large])
	var filteredResorts: [CPData] {
		if searchCountry.isEmpty {
			return countries
		} else {
			return countries.filter { $ }
	var foregroundColor: Color {
		if colorScheme == .dark {
			return Color(.white)
		} else {
			return Color(.black)
	var backgroundColor: Color {
		if colorScheme == .dark {
			return Color(.systemGray5)
		} else {
			return Color(.systemGray6)
	func applyPatternOnNumbers(_ stringvar: inout String, pattern: String, replacementCharacter: Character) {
		var pureNumber = stringvar.replacingOccurrences( of: "[^0-9]", with: "", options: .regularExpression)
		for index in 0 ..< pattern.count {
			guard index < pureNumber.count else {
				stringvar = pureNumber
			let stringIndex = String.Index(utf16Offset: index, in: pattern)
			let patternCharacter = pattern[stringIndex]
			guard patternCharacter != replacementCharacter else { continue }
			pureNumber.insert(patternCharacter, at: stringIndex)
		stringvar = pureNumber

extension View {
	func placeholder<Content: View>(
		when shouldShow: Bool,
		alignment: Alignment = .leading,
		@ViewBuilder placeholder: () -> Content) -> some View {
			ZStack(alignment: alignment) {
				placeholder().opacity(shouldShow ? 1 : 0)

How to use it

To use our PhoneNumberView we include it in our contentView in which we have created two @State variables. One for the mobile and one for the country_code.

In the onAppear we read the earlier captured countryCode and use that to configure our PhoneNumberView.

For convenience I’ve added a button and if you tap it after filling in a number, you will see the countryCode and the mobile number (which includes the countryCode), which is ready for sending a text message to. The full code is below.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var country_code:String = "+1"
    @State var mobile:String = ""
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Enter your phone number")
            PhoneNumberView(countryCode: $country_code, countryFlag: "🇺🇸", countryPattern: "### ### ####", countryLimit: 17,fullNumber:$mobile)
            Button("Show results in console") {
                print("country code: \(country_code)")
                print("mobile: \(mobile)")
            //MARK: determine country code
            if UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "kCountyCode") != nil {
                let countries: [CPData] = Bundle.main.decode("CountryNumbers.json")
                let country = countries.filter({ $0.code ==    UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "kCountyCode")})
                if country.count != 0 {
                    self.country_code = country[0].dial_code
                } else {
                    self.country_code = "+1"

As promised here is the complete CountryNumbers.json file for you.

        "id": "0235",
        "name": "USA",
        "flag": "🇺🇸",
        "code": "US",
        "dial_code": "+1",
        "pattern": "### ### ####",
        "limit": 17
		"id": "0001",
		"name": "Afghanistan",
		"flag": "🇦🇫",
		"code": "AF",
		"dial_code": "+93",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0003",
		"name": "Albania",
		"flag": "🇦🇱",
		"code": "AL",
		"dial_code": "+355",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0004",
		"name": "Algeria",
		"flag": "🇩🇿",
		"code": "DZ",
		"dial_code": "+213",
		"pattern": "### ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0005",
		"name": "American Samoa",
		"flag": "🇦🇸",
		"code": "AS",
		"dial_code": "+1684",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0006",
		"name": "Andorra",
		"flag": "🇦🇩",
		"code": "AD",
		"dial_code": "+376",
		"pattern": "## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0007",
		"name": "Angola",
		"flag": "🇦🇴",
		"code": "AO",
		"dial_code": "+244",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0008",
		"name": "Anguilla",
		"flag": "🇦🇮",
		"code": "AI",
		"dial_code": "+1264",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0010",
		"name": "Antigua & Barbuda",
		"flag": "🇦🇬",
		"code": "AG",
		"dial_code": "+1268",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0011",
		"name": "Argentina",
		"flag": "🇦🇷",
		"code": "AR",
		"dial_code": "+54",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0012",
		"name": "Armenia",
		"flag": "🇦🇲",
		"code": "AM",
		"dial_code": "+374",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0013",
		"name": "Aruba",
		"flag": "🇦🇼",
		"code": "AW",
		"dial_code": "+297",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0014",
		"name": "Australia",
		"flag": "🇦🇺",
		"code": "AU",
		"dial_code": "+61",
		"pattern": "# #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0015",
		"name": "Austria",
		"flag": "🇦🇹",
		"code": "AT",
		"dial_code": "+43",
		"pattern": "### ######",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0016",
		"name": "Azerbaijan",
		"flag": "🇦🇿",
		"code": "AZ",
		"dial_code": "+994",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0017",
		"name": "Bahamas",
		"flag": "🇧🇸",
		"code": "BS",
		"dial_code": "+1242",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0018",
		"name": "Bahrain",
		"flag": "🇧🇭",
		"code": "BH",
		"dial_code": "+973",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0019",
		"name": "Bangladesh",
		"flag": "🇧🇩",
		"code": "BD",
		"dial_code": "+880",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0020",
		"name": "Barbados",
		"flag": "🇧🇧",
		"code": "BB",
		"dial_code": "+1246",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0021",
		"name": "Belarus",
		"flag": "🇧🇾",
		"code": "BY",
		"dial_code": "+375",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0022",
		"name": "Belgium",
		"flag": "🇧🇪",
		"code": "BE",
		"dial_code": "+32",
		"pattern": "### ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0023",
		"name": "Belize",
		"flag": "🇧🇿",
		"code": "BZ",
		"dial_code": "+501",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0024",
		"name": "Benin",
		"flag": "🇧🇯",
		"code": "BJ",
		"dial_code": "+229",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0025",
		"name": "Bermuda",
		"flag": "🇧🇲",
		"code": "BM",
		"dial_code": "+1441",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0026",
		"name": "Bhutan",
		"flag": "🇧🇹",
		"code": "BT",
		"dial_code": "+975",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0027",
		"name": "Bolivia",
		"flag": "🇧🇴",
		"code": "BO",
		"dial_code": "+591",
		"pattern": "# ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0028",
		"name": "Bosnia & Herzegovina",
		"flag": "🇧🇦",
		"code": "BA",
		"dial_code": "+387",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0029",
		"name": "Botswana",
		"flag": "🇧🇼",
		"code": "BW",
		"dial_code": "+267",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0031",
		"name": "Brazil",
		"flag": "🇧🇷",
		"code": "BR",
		"dial_code": "+55",
		"pattern": "## ##### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0032",
		"name": "British Virgin Islands",
		"flag": "🇻🇬",
		"code": "IO",
		"dial_code": "+1284",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0033",
		"name": "Brunei Darussalam",
		"flag": "🇧🇳",
		"code": "BN",
		"dial_code": "+673",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0034",
		"name": "Bulgaria",
		"flag": "🇧🇬",
		"code": "BG",
		"dial_code": "+359",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0035",
		"name": "Burkina Faso",
		"flag": "🇧🇫",
		"code": "BF",
		"dial_code": "+226",
		"pattern": "## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0036",
		"name": "Burundi",
		"flag": "🇧🇮",
		"code": "BI",
		"dial_code": "+257",
		"pattern": "## ## ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0037",
		"name": "Cambodia",
		"flag": "🇰🇭",
		"code": "KH",
		"dial_code": "+855",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0038",
		"name": "Cameroon",
		"flag": "🇨🇲",
		"code": "CM",
		"dial_code": "+237",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0039",
		"name": "Canada",
		"flag": "🇨🇦",
		"code": "CA",
		"dial_code": "+1",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0040",
		"name": "Cape Verde",
		"flag": "🇨🇻",
		"code": "CV",
		"dial_code": "+238",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0041",
		"name": "Cayman Islands",
		"flag": "🇰🇾",
		"code": "KY",
		"dial_code": "+1345",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0042",
		"name": "Central African Rep.",
		"flag": "🇨🇫",
		"code": "CF",
		"dial_code": "+236",
		"pattern": "## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0043",
		"name": "Chad",
		"flag": "🇹🇩",
		"code": "TD",
		"dial_code": "+235",
		"pattern": "## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0044",
		"name": "Chile",
		"flag": "🇨🇱",
		"code": "CL",
		"dial_code": "+56",
		"pattern": "# #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0045",
		"name": "China",
		"flag": "🇨🇳",
		"code": "CN",
		"dial_code": "+86",
		"pattern": "### #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0048",
		"name": "Colombia",
		"flag": "🇨🇴",
		"code": "CO",
		"dial_code": "+57",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0049",
		"name": "Comoros",
		"flag": "🇰🇲",
		"code": "KM",
		"dial_code": "+269",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0050",
		"name": "Congo (Rep.)",
		"flag": "🇨🇬",
		"code": "CG",
		"dial_code": "+242",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0051",
		"name": "Congo (Dem. Rep.)",
		"flag": "🇨🇩",
		"code": "CD",
		"dial_code": "+243",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0052",
		"name": "Cook Islands",
		"flag": "🇨🇰",
		"code": "CK",
		"dial_code": "+682",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0053",
		"name": "Costa Rica",
		"flag": "🇨🇷",
		"code": "CR",
		"dial_code": "+506",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0054",
		"name": "Cote d'Ivoire",
		"flag": "🇨🇮",
		"code": "CI",
		"dial_code": "+225",
		"pattern": "## ## ## ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0055",
		"name": "Croatia",
		"flag": "🇭🇷",
		"code": "HR",
		"dial_code": "+385",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0056",
		"name": "Cuba",
		"flag": "🇨🇺",
		"code": "CU",
		"dial_code": "+53",
		"pattern": "# ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0057",
		"name": "Cyprus",
		"flag": "🇨🇾",
		"code": "CY",
		"dial_code": "+357",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0058",
		"name": "Czech Republic",
		"flag": "🇨🇿",
		"code": "CZ",
		"dial_code": "+420",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0059",
		"name": "Denmark",
		"flag": "🇩🇰",
		"code": "DK",
		"dial_code": "+45",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "006011",
		"name": "Diego Garcia",
		"flag": "🇮🇴",
		"code": "IO",
		"dial_code": "+246",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0060",
		"name": "Djibouti",
		"flag": "🇩🇯",
		"code": "DJ",
		"dial_code": "+253",
		"pattern": "## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0061",
		"name": "Dominica",
		"flag": "🇩🇲",
		"code": "DM",
		"dial_code": "+1767",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0062",
		"name": "Dominican Rep.",
		"flag": "🇩🇴",
		"code": "DO",
		"dial_code": "+1809",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0063",
		"name": "Ecuador",
		"flag": "🇪🇨",
		"code": "EC",
		"dial_code": "+593",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0064",
		"name": "Egypt",
		"flag": "🇪🇬",
		"code": "EG",
		"dial_code": "+20",
		"pattern": "## #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0065",
		"name": "El Salvador",
		"flag": "🇸🇻",
		"code": "SV",
		"dial_code": "+503",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0066",
		"name": "Equatorial Guinea",
		"flag": "🇬🇶",
		"code": "GQ",
		"dial_code": "+240",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0067",
		"name": "Eritrea",
		"flag": "🇪🇷",
		"code": "ER",
		"dial_code": "+291",
		"pattern": "# ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0068",
		"name": "Estonia",
		"flag": "🇪🇪",
		"code": "EE",
		"dial_code": "+372",
		"pattern": "#### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "006811",
		"name": "Eswatini",
		"flag": "🇸🇿",
		"code": "SZ",
		"dial_code": "+268",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0069",
		"name": "Ethiopia",
		"flag": "🇪🇹",
		"code": "ET",
		"dial_code": "+251",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0070",
		"name": "Falkland Islands",
		"flag": "🇫🇰",
		"code": "FK",
		"dial_code": "+500",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0071",
		"name": "Faroe Islands",
		"flag": "🇫🇴",
		"code": "FO",
		"dial_code": "+298",
		"pattern": "### ###",
		"limit": 7
	}, {
		"id": "0072",
		"name": "Fiji",
		"flag": "🇫🇯",
		"code": "FJ",
		"dial_code": "+679",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0073",
		"name": "Finland",
		"flag": "🇫🇮",
		"code": "FI",
		"dial_code": "+358",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0074",
		"name": "France",
		"flag": "🇫🇷",
		"code": "FR",
		"dial_code": "+33",
		"pattern": "# ## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0075",
		"name": "French Guiana",
		"flag": "🇬🇫",
		"code": "GF",
		"dial_code": "+594",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0076",
		"name": "French Polynesia",
		"flag": "🇵🇫",
		"code": "PF",
		"dial_code": "+689",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0078",
		"name": "Gabon",
		"flag": "🇬🇦",
		"code": "GA",
		"dial_code": "+241",
		"pattern": "# ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0079",
		"name": "Gambia",
		"flag": "🇬🇲",
		"code": "GM",
		"dial_code": "+220",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0080",
		"name": "Georgia",
		"flag": "🇬🇪",
		"code": "GE",
		"dial_code": "+995",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0081",
		"name": "Germany",
		"flag": "🇩🇪",
		"code": "DE",
		"dial_code": "+49",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0082",
		"name": "Ghana",
		"flag": "🇬🇭",
		"code": "GH",
		"dial_code": "+233",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0083",
		"name": "Gibraltar",
		"flag": "🇬🇮",
		"code": "GI",
		"dial_code": "+350",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0084",
		"name": "Greece",
		"flag": "🇬🇷",
		"code": "GR",
		"dial_code": "+30",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0085",
		"name": "Greenland",
		"flag": "🇬🇱",
		"code": "GL",
		"dial_code": "+299",
		"pattern": "### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0086",
		"name": "Grenada",
		"flag": "🇬🇩",
		"code": "GD",
		"dial_code": "+1473",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0087",
		"name": "Guadeloupe",
		"flag": "🇬🇵",
		"code": "GP",
		"dial_code": "+590",
		"pattern": "### ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0088",
		"name": "Guam",
		"flag": "🇬🇺",
		"code": "GU",
		"dial_code": "+1671",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0089",
		"name": "Guatemala",
		"flag": "🇬🇹",
		"code": "GT",
		"dial_code": "+502",
		"pattern": "# ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0091",
		"name": "Guinea",
		"flag": "🇬🇳",
		"code": "GN",
		"dial_code": "+224",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0092",
		"name": "Guinea-Bissau",
		"flag": "🇬🇼",
		"code": "GW",
		"dial_code": "+245",
		"pattern": "### ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0093",
		"name": "Guyana",
		"flag": "🇬🇾",
		"code": "GY",
		"dial_code": "+592",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0094",
		"name": "Haiti",
		"flag": "🇭🇹",
		"code": "HT",
		"dial_code": "+509",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0097",
		"name": "Honduras",
		"flag": "🇭🇳",
		"code": "HN",
		"dial_code": "+504",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0098",
		"name": "Hong Kong",
		"flag": "🇭🇰",
		"code": "HK",
		"dial_code": "+852",
		"pattern": "# ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0099",
		"name": "Hungary",
		"flag": "🇭🇺",
		"code": "HU",
		"dial_code": "+36",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0100",
		"name": "Iceland",
		"flag": "🇮🇸",
		"code": "IS",
		"dial_code": "+354",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0101",
		"name": "India",
		"flag": "🇮🇳",
		"code": "IN",
		"dial_code": "+91",
		"pattern": "##### #####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0102",
		"name": "Indonesia",
		"flag": "🇮🇩",
		"code": "ID",
		"dial_code": "+62",
		"pattern": "### ######",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0103",
		"name": "Iran",
		"flag": "🇮🇷",
		"code": "IR",
		"dial_code": "+98",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0104",
		"name": "Iraq",
		"flag": "🇮🇶",
		"code": "IQ",
		"dial_code": "+964",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0105",
		"name": "Ireland",
		"flag": "🇮🇪",
		"code": "IE",
		"dial_code": "+353",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0107",
		"name": "Israel",
		"flag": "🇮🇱",
		"code": "IL",
		"dial_code": "+972",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0108",
		"name": "Italy",
		"flag": "🇮🇹",
		"code": "IT",
		"dial_code": "+39",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0109",
		"name": "Jamaica",
		"flag": "🇯🇲",
		"code": "JM",
		"dial_code": "+1876",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0110",
		"name": "Japan",
		"flag": "🇯🇵",
		"code": "JP",
		"dial_code": "+81",
		"pattern": "## #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0112",
		"name": "Jordan",
		"flag": "🇯🇴",
		"code": "JO",
		"dial_code": "+962",
		"pattern": "# #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0113",
		"name": "Kazakhstan",
		"flag": "🇰🇿",
		"code": "KZ",
		"dial_code": "+7",
		"pattern": "### ### ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0114",
		"name": "Kenya",
		"flag": "🇰🇪",
		"code": "KE",
		"dial_code": "+254",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0115",
		"name": "Kiribati",
		"flag": "🇰🇮",
		"code": "KI",
		"dial_code": "+686",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0116",
		"name": "North Korea",
		"flag": "🇰🇵",
		"code": "KP",
		"dial_code": "+850",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0117",
		"name": "South Korea",
		"flag": "🇰🇷",
		"code": "KR",
		"dial_code": "+82",
		"pattern": "## #### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0118",
		"name": "Kosovo",
		"flag": "🇽🇰",
		"code": "XK",
		"dial_code": "+383",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0119",
		"name": "Kuwait",
		"flag": "🇰🇼",
		"code": "KW",
		"dial_code": "+965",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0120",
		"name": "Kyrgyzstan",
		"flag": "🇰🇬",
		"code": "KG",
		"dial_code": "+996",
		"pattern": "### ######",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0121",
		"name": "Laos",
		"flag": "🇱🇦",
		"code": "LA",
		"dial_code": "+856",
		"pattern": "## ## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0122",
		"name": "Latvia",
		"flag": "🇱🇻",
		"code": "LV",
		"dial_code": "+371",
		"pattern": "### #####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0123",
		"name": "Lebanon",
		"flag": "🇱🇧",
		"code": "LB",
		"dial_code": "+961",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0124",
		"name": "Lesotho",
		"flag": "🇱🇸",
		"code": "LS",
		"dial_code": "+266",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0125",
		"name": "Liberia",
		"flag": "🇱🇷",
		"code": "LR",
		"dial_code": "+231",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0126",
		"name": "Libya",
		"flag": "🇱🇾",
		"code": "LY",
		"dial_code": "+218",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0127",
		"name": "Liechtenstein",
		"flag": "🇱🇮",
		"code": "LI",
		"dial_code": "+423",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0128",
		"name": "Lithuania",
		"flag": "🇱🇹",
		"code": "LT",
		"dial_code": "+370",
		"pattern": "### #####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0129",
		"name": "Luxembourg",
		"flag": "🇱🇺",
		"code": "LU",
		"dial_code": "+352",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0130",
		"name": "Macau",
		"flag": "🇲🇴",
		"code": "MO",
		"dial_code": "+853",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0131",
		"name": "Macedonia",
		"flag": "🇲🇰",
		"code": "MK",
		"dial_code": "+389",
		"pattern": "## ######",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0132",
		"name": "Madagascar",
		"flag": "🇲🇬",
		"code": "MG",
		"dial_code": "+261",
		"pattern": "## ######",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0133",
		"name": "Malawi",
		"flag": "🇲🇼",
		"code": "MW",
		"dial_code": "+265",
		"pattern": "## ## ### ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0134",
		"name": "Malaysia",
		"flag": "🇲🇾",
		"code": "MY",
		"dial_code": "+60",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0135",
		"name": "Maldives",
		"flag": "🇲🇻",
		"code": "MV",
		"dial_code": "+960",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0136",
		"name": "Mali",
		"flag": "🇲🇱",
		"code": "ML",
		"dial_code": "+223",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0137",
		"name": "Malta",
		"flag": "🇲🇹",
		"code": "MT",
		"dial_code": "+356",
		"pattern": "## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0138",
		"name": "Marshall Islands",
		"flag": "🇲🇭",
		"code": "MH",
		"dial_code": "+692",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0139",
		"name": "Martinique",
		"flag": "🇲🇶",
		"code": "MQ",
		"dial_code": "+596",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0140",
		"name": "Mauritania",
		"flag": "🇲🇷",
		"code": "MR",
		"dial_code": "+222",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0141",
		"name": "Mauritius",
		"flag": "🇲🇺",
		"code": "MU",
		"dial_code": "+230",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0143",
		"name": "Mexico",
		"flag": "🇲🇽",
		"code": "MX",
		"dial_code": "+52",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0144",
		"name": "Micronesia",
		"flag": "🇫🇲",
		"code": "FM",
		"dial_code": "+691",
		"pattern": "#",
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	}, {
		"id": "0145",
		"name": "Moldova",
		"flag": "🇲🇩",
		"code": "MD",
		"dial_code": "+373",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0146",
		"name": "Monaco",
		"flag": "🇲🇨",
		"code": "MC",
		"dial_code": "+377",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0147",
		"name": "Mongolia",
		"flag": "🇲🇳",
		"code": "MN",
		"dial_code": "+976",
		"pattern": "## ## ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0148",
		"name": "Montenegro",
		"flag": "🇲🇪",
		"code": "ME",
		"dial_code": "+382",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0149",
		"name": "Montserrat",
		"flag": "🇲🇸",
		"code": "MS",
		"dial_code": "+1664",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0150",
		"name": "Morocco",
		"flag": "🇲🇦",
		"code": "MA",
		"dial_code": "+212",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0151",
		"name": "Mozambique",
		"flag": "🇲🇿",
		"code": "MZ",
		"dial_code": "+258",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0152",
		"name": "Myanmar",
		"flag": "🇲🇲",
		"code": "MM",
		"dial_code": "+95",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0153",
		"name": "Namibia",
		"flag": "🇳🇦",
		"code": "NA",
		"dial_code": "+264",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0154",
		"name": "Nauru",
		"flag": "🇳🇷",
		"code": "NR",
		"dial_code": "+674",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0155",
		"name": "Nepal",
		"flag": "🇳🇵",
		"code": "NP",
		"dial_code": "+977",
		"pattern": "## #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0156",
		"name": "Netherlands",
		"flag": "🇳🇱",
		"code": "NL",
		"dial_code": "+31",
		"pattern": "# ## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0158",
		"name": "New Caledonia",
		"flag": "🇳🇨",
		"code": "NC",
		"dial_code": "+687",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0159",
		"name": "New Zealand",
		"flag": "🇳🇿",
		"code": "NZ",
		"dial_code": "+64",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0160",
		"name": "Nicaragua",
		"flag": "🇳🇮",
		"code": "NI",
		"dial_code": "+505",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0161",
		"name": "Niger",
		"flag": "🇳🇪",
		"code": "NE",
		"dial_code": "+227",
		"pattern": "## ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0162",
		"name": "Nigeria",
		"flag": "🇳🇬",
		"code": "NG",
		"dial_code": "+234",
		"pattern": "## #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0163",
		"name": "Niue",
		"flag": "🇳🇺",
		"code": "NU",
		"dial_code": "+683",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0164",
		"name": "Norfolk Island",
		"flag": "🇳🇫",
		"code": "NF",
		"dial_code": "+672",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0165",
		"name": "Northern Mariana Islands",
		"flag": "🇲🇵",
		"code": "MP",
		"dial_code": "+1670",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0166",
		"name": "Norway",
		"flag": "🇳🇴",
		"code": "NO",
		"dial_code": "+47",
		"pattern": "### ## ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0167",
		"name": "Oman",
		"flag": "🇴🇲",
		"code": "OM",
		"dial_code": "+968",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0168",
		"name": "Pakistan",
		"flag": "🇵🇰",
		"code": "PK",
		"dial_code": "+92",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0169",
		"name": "Palau",
		"flag": "🇵🇼",
		"code": "PW",
		"dial_code": "+680",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0170",
		"name": "Palestine",
		"flag": "🇵🇸",
		"code": "PS",
		"dial_code": "+970",
		"pattern": "### ## ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0171",
		"name": "Panama",
		"flag": "🇵🇦",
		"code": "PA",
		"dial_code": "+507",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0172",
		"name": "Papua New Guinea",
		"flag": "🇵🇬",
		"code": "PG",
		"dial_code": "+675",
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	}, {
		"id": "0173",
		"name": "Paraguay",
		"flag": "🇵🇾",
		"code": "PY",
		"dial_code": "+595",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0174",
		"name": "Peru",
		"flag": "🇵🇪",
		"code": "PE",
		"dial_code": "+51",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0175",
		"name": "Philippines",
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	}, {
		"id": "0177",
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		"dial_code": "+48",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
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		"id": "0178",
		"name": "Portugal",
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		"dial_code": "+351",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0179",
		"name": "Puerto Rico",
		"flag": "🇵🇷",
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		"dial_code": "+1939",
		"pattern": "### ####",
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	}, {
		"id": "0180",
		"name": "Qatar",
		"flag": "🇶🇦",
		"code": "QA",
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		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0181",
		"name": "Romania",
		"flag": "🇷🇴",
		"code": "RO",
		"dial_code": "+40",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0182",
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		"id": "0184",
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		"code": "RE",
		"dial_code": "+262",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0186",
		"name": "Saint Helena",
		"flag": "🇸🇭",
		"code": "SH",
		"dial_code": "+290",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0187",
		"name": "Saint Kitts & Nevis",
		"flag": "🇰🇳",
		"code": "KN",
		"dial_code": "+1869",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0188",
		"name": "Saint Lucia",
		"flag": "🇱🇨",
		"code": "LC",
		"dial_code": "+1758",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0190",
		"name": "Saint Pierre & Miquelon",
		"flag": "🇵🇲",
		"code": "PM",
		"dial_code": "+508",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0191",
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		"flag": "🇻🇨",
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		"dial_code": "+1784",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0192",
		"name": "Samoa",
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		"code": "WS",
		"dial_code": "+685",
		"pattern": "#",
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	}, {
		"id": "0193",
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		"flag": "🇸🇲",
		"code": "SM",
		"dial_code": "+378",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0194",
		"name": "Sao Tome & Principe",
		"flag": "🇸🇹",
		"code": "ST",
		"dial_code": "+239",
		"pattern": "## #####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0195",
		"name": "Saudi Arabia",
		"flag": "🇸🇦",
		"code": "SA",
		"dial_code": "+966",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0196",
		"name": "Senegal",
		"flag": "🇸🇳",
		"code": "SN",
		"dial_code": "+221",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0197",
		"name": "Serbia",
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		"code": "RS",
		"dial_code": "+381",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0198",
		"name": "Seychelles",
		"flag": "🇸🇨",
		"code": "SC",
		"dial_code": "+248",
		"pattern": "# ## ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0199",
		"name": "Sierra Leone",
		"flag": "🇸🇱",
		"code": "SL",
		"dial_code": "+232",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0200",
		"name": "Singapore",
		"flag": "🇸🇬",
		"code": "SG",
		"dial_code": "+65",
		"pattern": "#### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0201",
		"name": "Slovakia",
		"flag": "🇸🇰",
		"code": "SK",
		"dial_code": "+421",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0202",
		"name": "Slovenia",
		"flag": "🇸🇮",
		"code": "SI",
		"dial_code": "+386",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0203",
		"name": "Solomon Islands",
		"flag": "🇸🇧",
		"code": "SB",
		"dial_code": "+677",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0204",
		"name": "Somalia",
		"flag": "🇸🇴",
		"code": "SO",
		"dial_code": "+252",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0205",
		"name": "South Africa",
		"flag": "🇿🇦",
		"code": "ZA",
		"dial_code": "+27",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0206",
		"name": "South Sudan",
		"flag": "🇸🇸",
		"code": "SS",
		"dial_code": "+211",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0208",
		"name": "Spain",
		"flag": "🇪🇸",
		"code": "ES",
		"dial_code": "+34",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0209",
		"name": "Sri Lanka",
		"flag": "🇱🇰",
		"code": "LK",
		"dial_code": "+94",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0210",
		"name": "Sudan",
		"flag": "🇸🇩",
		"code": "SD",
		"dial_code": "+249",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0211",
		"name": "Suriname",
		"flag": "🇸🇷",
		"code": "SR",
		"dial_code": "+597",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0214",
		"name": "Sweden",
		"flag": "🇸🇪",
		"code": "SE",
		"dial_code": "+46",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0215",
		"name": "Switzerland",
		"flag": "🇨🇭",
		"code": "CH",
		"dial_code": "+41",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0216",
		"name": "Syria",
		"flag": "🇸🇾",
		"code": "SY",
		"dial_code": "+963",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0217",
		"name": "Taiwan",
		"flag": "🇹🇼",
		"code": "TW",
		"dial_code": "+886",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0218",
		"name": "Tajikistan",
		"flag": "🇹🇯",
		"code": "TJ",
		"dial_code": "+992",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0219",
		"name": "Tanzania",
		"flag": "🇹🇿",
		"code": "TZ",
		"dial_code": "+255",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0220",
		"name": "Thailand",
		"flag": "🇹🇭",
		"code": "TH",
		"dial_code": "+66",
		"pattern": "# #### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0221",
		"name": "Timor-Leste",
		"flag": "🇹🇱",
		"code": "TL",
		"dial_code": "+670",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0222",
		"name": "Togo",
		"flag": "🇹🇬",
		"code": "TG",
		"dial_code": "+228",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0223",
		"name": "Tokelau",
		"flag": "🇹🇰",
		"code": "TK",
		"dial_code": "+690",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0224",
		"name": "Tonga",
		"flag": "🇹🇴",
		"code": "TO",
		"dial_code": "+676",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0225",
		"name": "Trinidad & Tobago",
		"flag": "🇹🇹",
		"code": "TT",
		"dial_code": "+1868",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0226",
		"name": "Tunisia",
		"flag": "🇹🇳",
		"code": "TN",
		"dial_code": "+216",
		"pattern": "## ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0227",
		"name": "Turkey",
		"flag": "🇹🇷",
		"code": "TR",
		"dial_code": "+90",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0228",
		"name": "Turkmenistan",
		"flag": "🇹🇲",
		"code": "TM",
		"dial_code": "+993",
		"pattern": "## ######",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0229",
		"name": "Turks & Caicos Islands",
		"flag": "🇹🇨",
		"code": "TC",
		"dial_code": "+1649",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0230",
		"name": "Tuvalu",
		"flag": "🇹🇻",
		"code": "TV",
		"dial_code": "+688",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0231",
		"name": "Uganda",
		"flag": "🇺🇬",
		"code": "UG",
		"dial_code": "+256",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0232",
		"name": "Ukraine",
		"flag": "🇺🇦",
		"code": "UA",
		"dial_code": "+380",
		"pattern": "## ### ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0233",
		"name": "United Arab Emirates",
		"flag": "🇦🇪",
		"code": "AE",
		"dial_code": "+971",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0234",
		"name": "United Kingdom",
		"flag": "🇬🇧",
		"code": "GB",
		"dial_code": "+44",
		"pattern": "#### ######",
		"limit": 17
	},  {
		"id": "0236",
		"name": "Uruguay",
		"flag": "🇺🇾",
		"code": "UY",
		"dial_code": "+598",
		"pattern": "# ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0237",
		"name": "Uzbekistan",
		"flag": "🇺🇿",
		"code": "UZ",
		"dial_code": "+998",
		"pattern": "## ### ## ##",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0238",
		"name": "Vanuatu",
		"flag": "🇻🇺",
		"code": "VU",
		"dial_code": "+678",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0239",
		"name": "Venezuela",
		"flag": "🇻🇪",
		"code": "VE",
		"dial_code": "+58",
		"pattern": "### ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0240",
		"name": "Vietnam",
		"flag": "🇻🇳",
		"code": "VN",
		"dial_code": "+84",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0241",
		"name": "Virgin Islands, British",
		"flag": "🇻🇬",
		"code": "VG",
		"dial_code": "+1284",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0242",
		"name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
		"flag": "🇻🇮",
		"code": "VI",
		"dial_code": "+1340",
		"pattern": "### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0243",
		"name": "Wallis & Futuna",
		"flag": "🇼🇫",
		"code": "WF",
		"dial_code": "+681",
		"pattern": "#",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0244",
		"name": "Yemen",
		"flag": "🇾🇪",
		"code": "YE",
		"dial_code": "+967",
		"pattern": "### ### ###",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0245",
		"name": "Zambia",
		"flag": "🇿🇲",
		"code": "ZM",
		"dial_code": "+260",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17
	}, {
		"id": "0246",
		"name": "Zimbabwe",
		"flag": "🇿🇼",
		"code": "ZW",
		"dial_code": "+263",
		"pattern": "## ### ####",
		"limit": 17

You can download the full code here


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